RR New Update – June 20, 2019

  Raising Regenerative takes a deeper look at the winners of FoodShot Global’s inaugural MoonShot Prize for Innovating Soil 3.0 and its impact on the industry. Born2Invest reports on why impact investors are turning to sustainable ag. Maple Hill Creamery CEO Tim Joseph talks animal vs plant-based ag and how they can co-exist. Plus, podcasts […]

RR New Update – June 20, 2019

June 20, 2019 | Blog


Raising Regenerative takes a deeper look at the winners of FoodShot Global’s inaugural MoonShot Prize for Innovating Soil 3.0 and its impact on the industry. Born2Invest reports on why impact investors are turning to sustainable ag. Maple Hill Creamery CEO Tim Joseph talks animal vs plant-based ag and how they can co-exist. Plus, podcasts with RFSI Forum speakers and more!

Leading Off: 

FoodShot Global’s Unique Capital Platform Explained
Entrepreneurs making “truly transformative” change often need more time to deliver investment returns than venture capital and private equity can afford, which is why FoodShot Global created a collaborative platform that offers a “capital continuum” to support this. Read more here

Why Ag Needs More Collaborative Efforts Like FoodShot Global
FoodShot Global’s format for investing in agriculture addresses two major hurdles facing agtech investment as a sector: collaboration and overlooked, high impact sub-sectors. Read more here

FoodShot Prize Invests in the Future of Food and Soil
Learn more about the winners of the inaugural 2019 MoonShot Prize for Innovating Soil 3.0: Trace Genomics, Dr. Gerlinde De Deyn, Dr. Keith Paustian and Dr. Dorn Cox. Read more here

Founder and Chairman of FoodShot Global, Victor Friedberg, will speak at the Regenerative Food Systems Investment Forum in Oakland, CA,  September 30-October 1.
View speaking faculty here.


In The Headlines:

Why Impact Investors Are Turning to Sustainable Agriculture
Some argue that industrial agriculture is the only way to sustain a population of over 7 billion people. Despite these comments, scientific evidence has shown that a sustainable model is more than practical — it’s also profitable. The support of impact investors will prove critical for its acceptance and growth.  Read more here

Companies Are Using Regenerative Sourcing to Meet Sustainability Goals
One solution to meet carbon goals, sourcing resiliency, and consumer demands that is gaining traction is regenerative agriculture. It provides an opportunity for companies to transform their products and supply chains from being pollution-emitters to being part of a solution that fights climate change while supporting farmers and building a more resilient agriculture system.  Read more here

The Plan to Remove a Trillion Tons of Carbon Dioxide from AtmosphereBy promoting techniques that increase the potential of agricultural land to suck in carbon, the backers of Indigo AG believe they can set the foundation for a major effort to stem climate change.  Read more here


Food for Thought:

Plant-based vs Animal Agriculture: Multiple Farm Systems Will Co-exist 
Consumer interest in grass-fed meat/dairy and plant-based foods, stems from the same desire to find more humane and sustainable alternatives to factory farming, says Maple Hill Creamery CEO Tim Joseph, who was surprised to see Impossible Foods single out regenerative grazing in its recent impact report. Read more here


What We’re Reading:

Pressure for Lower Organic Prices Has Farmers Getting CreativeRetailers are placing more pressure on producers for price parity with conventional, creating an increasingly unsustainable competitive landscape for organic farmers who traditionally have commanded a premium. Read more here

Transforming Global Food Systems
How do we meet the nutritional challenges of a growing world and do it sustainably? It will require leaning into a market basket of topics including climate change, biodiversity, food waste, water, food equity, and more.
Read more here


Putting It Into Practice:

Regenerating the Soil Transformed this Indiana Farm
Fifth-generation farmer Will Clarke not only farms profitable non-GMO cash crops, he has also developed a unique system for building soil health. Read more here

Farmers Embrace an Ancient Form of Regenerative Farming
Silvopasture is a farming method adapated from a very old agricultural practice of grazing livestock in forests. Its benefits to both the soil and the animals are astonishing. Read more here 


What We’re Listening to:

The Investing in Regenerative Agriculture podcast has recently spoken with several RFSI Forum speakers. Bert Glover of Impact Ag Partners will join the Strategies for Investing in Animal Agriculture panel at the Forum. Ethan Soloviev will moderate Consumer-Facing Investment in Regenerative Agriculture & FoodSee the full agenda here

Investing $160M to Regenerate Australian Soils with Bert Glover
Listen here

Ethan Soloviev Talks Climate Positive Beef and Regen Ag Jobs
Listen here


In Case You Missed It:

Esther Park Explains Cienega Capital’s Investing Approach
Esther Park is the CEO of Cienega Capital, a regenerative investment firm focused on systemic change in soil health, regenerative agriculture, and local food systems. She sat down with Raising Regenerative to explain her company’s motivations for investing in regenerative food and agriculture and what challenges still lie ahead. Read more here

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