Year in Review

  2019 was a big year for regenerative agriculture as it was introduced to people around the world when scientists declared a biodiversity crisis in the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Report. Democratic Presidential hopefuls discussed regenerative ag on the debate stage and a team of researchers launched the Soil […]

Year in Review

December 19, 2019 | Blog


2019 was a big year for regenerative agriculture as it was introduced to people around the world when scientists declared a biodiversity crisis in the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Report. Democratic Presidential hopefuls discussed regenerative ag on the debate stage and a team of researchers launched the Soil Wealth Report which identifies 67 investment approaches to develop new regenerative agriculture capital opportunities.

We at Raising Regenerative did our best to keep you up to date on the news surrounding regenerative agriculture and the growing investment opportunities in the space. Starting with only a handful of followers, we focused on building a robust community online and in-person around these opportunities. On September 30 and October 1 we brought together nearly 200 members of our community for the first annual Regenerative Food Systems Investment Forum in Oakland, California and garnered rave reviews. There was a tremendous energy at the event that we will continue to build on in 2020 and beyond.

As we look ahead to a new year and a new decade that will undoubtedly see an even sharper focus on regenerative agriculture and the ways that it can help to mitigate the climate crisis, we would like to take a look back at some of the stories that captured your attention in 2019.

Top 10 Articles in the Raising Regenerative News for 2019
(by percentage of readers)

1. Five Investment Vehicles Changing the Way We Invest in Agriculture
Published by Raising Regenerative on April 22

2. The Green New Deal Wants Farmers to Restore the Land, Not Keep Wrecking It
Published by Fast Company on June 28

3. New Agriculture Sector Guide Launched To Help Financial Institutions Assess Natural Capital Risk
Published by the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative, April 15

4. Large-scale Regenerative Agriculture is Possible – and Profitable, Says Rizoma
Published in Food Navigator, April 8

5. Growing Regenerative Ag One Investment at a Time
Published by Raising Regenerative, August 28

6. Agriculture: Germ of an Asset Class
Published in the July/August issue of IPE Real Assets

7. How to Get Rid of Carbon Emissions: Pay Farmers to Bury Them
Published by the Wall Street Journal, September 11

8. Soil Wealth: Investing in Regenerative Agriculture Across Asset Classes
Published by the Croatan Institute, July

9. (tie) Regenerative Funds Invest in Environmental Health
Published in the San Francisco Examiner, April 30

9. (tie) Jeremy Grantham Says Investors Should Be ‘Intrigued’ by This Strategy
Published in Institutional Investor, April 22

10. Finding Hope in the World’s Greatest Food Challenges
Published by Raising Regenerative, October 23