Raising Regenerative News – February 25, 2021

Our lead story this week calls for a closer look at nutrition neglect and how healthier soils can help turn the tide. Regenerative ag’s connection to economic growth as well as its role in preventing future pandemics is explored. Also read about investment news, some great new tech, and more. Leading Off:  The True Cost […]

Raising Regenerative News – February 25, 2021

February 26, 2021 | Blog

Our lead story this week calls for a closer look at nutrition neglect and how healthier soils can help turn the tide. Regenerative ag’s connection to economic growth as well as its role in preventing future pandemics is explored. Also read about investment news, some great new tech, and more.

Leading Off: 

The True Cost of Nutrition Neglect and How Regenerative Agriculture Can Tip the Scale
What people eat has a direct impact on their health. The U.S. has chosen to spend significantly on treating health conditions instead of allocating to try and prevent them. To shift the balance in the future, the true cost of nutrition neglect needs to be addressed. It starts by looking at the way we grow food.  Read more

Investment News:

Education, Healthcare, Ag Got Bulk of $2.6B in 2020 Impact Investments
The year 2020 was not just the year of the pandemic but also the year of realization. Environment, agriculture, and health came to the fore with an increased interest in regenerative companies that take care of people, products, and planet alike.  Read more

Agriculture and ESG: Reap What You Sow
The global farming industry is innovating to cut heavy carbon emissions, and institutional investors are starting to play a role.  Read more

Farmland LP Achieves Highest Corporate Sustainability Rating
An investor-focused report shows quantified sustainability benefits from regenerative agriculture investing, while providing exposure to the attractive risk-return characteristics of organic farmland.  Read more

Call to Action:

A Pro-Nature Economy Will Create Jobs And Prosperity
Financial decision-making has largely ignored our dependency — and impact — on nature. As a result, we’re now on course to destroy the very ecological wealth that has underwritten millennia of human progress and prosperity. But 2021 could be the year we choose a better path.  Read more

COVID Was Preventable. Looking to Nature for Future Solutions
Experts warned of a pandemic decades ago, yet we weren’t ready. We need to wake-up to the interconnectivity of the grand challenges we face in the world, and realize opportunities to build synergistic solutions tackling the root causes of the pandemic and building resilience.  Read more

NZ Debate Over Regenerative Farming Misses the Point
In the wake of several New Zealand brands creating the world’s first regenerative wool platform, the author looks at the meaning of regenerative and whether it is the right approach for the country.  Read more

Tech Support:

Yard Stick Provides Measurement Tech to Combat Climate Change
To turn agricultural land into a thriving carbon sink, farmers need to be able to shift agricultural practices. But you can’t manage something until you can measure it, and that’s where Yard Stick, a hand-held soil probe to measure carbon soil levels, comes in.  Read more

New Tech Could Be the Answer to Fashion’s Traceability Problem
An Australian couple had a dream to create fabric that reflected their environmentally-friendly ethos through and through. Fibretrace was born of that dream and now could bring ultra-traceability to the world fashion industry.
Read more

GradableTM Forms Environmental Advisory Board
The board will help develop initiatives to maximize positive environmental impacts from sustainable farming and the low-carbon grain market. Read more

Regenerative Ag — Back to the Basics:

What Is Regenerative Agriculture?

Regenerative agriculture is a modern name for the way farming was practiced for centuries, before the onset of industrial agriculture in the early 20th century. Returning to traditional practices is gaining momentum as a way of reversing the damage done to the climate and soil that we all depend on for our food and survival.  Read more

Regenerative Agriculture: The Benefits
The regenerative agriculture movement is reviving an Indigenous approach to agriculture and flipping the narrative to show how agriculture can help restore ecologies, fight climate change, rebuild relationships, spark economic development, and bring people—consumers AND farmers and ranchers—joy.  Read more

Regenerative Agriculture: New Study Identifies Research Priorities 
The values and mindset of farmers are key to regenerative farming practices, according to a new white paper released today by a country-wide group of researchers in New Zealand. Read more

What We’re Reading:

From Crisis to Possibility: Five Aspirations for our Food System via Foodtank

Regenerative Agriculture: U.S. Farmer Sequesters Carbon For Cash, Earning $115,000 via Green Queen

A Regenerative Housing Estate Has Attracted Community Buy In via The Fifth Estate

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