Raising Regenerative News – May 20, 2021

Bert Glover of Impact Ag Partners explains natural capital; what is needed to expand investment into climate-friendly, regenerative food systems; and what he thinks is possible in the next 20 years. Plus, a look at the changing nutritional value of food, what is needed to transition to regenerative, and more Leading Off: Nature-Based Solutions for […]

Raising Regenerative News – May 20, 2021

May 21, 2021 | Blog

Bert Glover of Impact Ag Partners explains natural capital; what is needed to expand investment into climate-friendly, regenerative food systems; and what he thinks is possible in the next 20 years. Plus, a look at the changing nutritional value of food, what is needed to transition to regenerative, and more

Leading Off: Nature-Based Solutions for Agriculture Investment

Bert Glover of Impact Ag Partners Talks Natural Capital

RFSI’s Sarah Day Levesque had a chance to speak with Glover, whose company is a leader in nature-based approaches to asset management and the Presenting Partner for RFSI Australia. Their conversation ranged from what he thinks is needed to expand successful investment into climate-friendly, regenerative food systems; to what he thinks is possible in the next 20 years.
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ESG Investing Update:

There’s No Hotter Area on Wall Street than ESG with Sustainability-focused Funds Nearing $2 Trillion
Sustainability-focused funds attracted record inflows during the first quarter, pushing global assets under management in ESG funds to nearly $2 trillion. The rise underscores the momentum behind ESG investing, or when environmental, social, and governance factors are considered.   Read more

Regenerative Transitions:

The Transition To Regenerative Will Require Innovative Farmers — And Creative Financial And Retail Partners
One innovative model hoping to provide funding and market support for farmers in making on-farm transitions toward regenerative ag was launched in January of 2020 by Danone North America and RePlant capital. The first of the rePlant loans to Danone farmer partners went to Kansas-based McCarty Family Farms. Ken McCarty opens up on how the transition is going.  Read more

Rooted in Health:

Hidden Hunger: Does Food Lack Essential Nutrients?
The nutrients in fruits and vegetables have declined in the past 50-70 years. People may be getting enough calories but could still experience hidden hunger – a lack of essential nutrients. Arty Mangan of Bioneers interviewed Dr. Gladis Zinati of The Rodale Institute to discusses how soil health and farming practices affect human health.  Read more

Australian Agriculture in Focus:

Australia Budget Sets Aside $200M for National Soil Strategy
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg shovelled $200 million into a national soil strategy. The federal government hopes that by extending tax incentives, and spending big on soil management and biosecurity, Australian farmers will recover from years of drought. Read more

Sustainable Investment: Delivering Returns and Impact
As the pandemic played out, sustainable agriculture captured the attention of investors. Kilter Rural, which invests in the regeneration of rural farmland, water assets, and environmental protection, saw justification of what it has been doing for more than 15 years. Read more

Farmland Values: High Land Prices a Barrier for Young Farmers
The value of Australian farmland is soaring and many established farms are looking to get bigger, making it hard for first-timers to break into the sector. Watch here

Food & Fashion Bet On Regenerative:

Unilever Defines Regenerative Agriculture Principles
Unilever has gone live with new Regenerative Agriculture Principles (RAPs), a framework that outlines ‘five priority areas’ the company says are ‘in most urgent need of action and where we can generate the biggest impact’. Read more

Patagonia, Gucci, and Timberland are Betting on Farming
Are you ready for farm-to-closet fashion? Most brands work with factories and mills to make clothes, but few go all the way back to the farms where the cotton, wool, or rubber is produced. That’s beginning to change.  Read more

What We’re Reading:

Ditching Meat Isn’t the Answer for Climate Change. Better Farming Is via The Washington Post

Colorado’s ‘Rebel’ Farmers – ‘I’d Like to See Industrial Farming Go Extinct’ via The Guardian

Our Food is an Existential Threat Beyond Climate Change via Newsroom


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