AEA Launches Community Fundraise Campaign

In an exciting new development, regenerative agriculture service company, Advancing Eco Agriculture (AEA), has launched a community fundraising campaign on WeFunder that will allow farmers, regenerative agriculture investors and regenerative agriculture enthusiasts the opportunity to invest in the AEA company. Advancing Eco Agriculture’s (AEA) John Kempf: Agriculture is Fundamentally About Regenerating Relationships on All Levels. […]

AEA Launches Community Fundraise Campaign

September 24, 2023 | Blog

In an exciting new development, regenerative agriculture service company, Advancing Eco Agriculture (AEA), has launched a community fundraising campaign on WeFunder that will allow farmers, regenerative agriculture investors and regenerative agriculture enthusiasts the opportunity to invest in the AEA company.

Advancing Eco Agriculture’s (AEA) John Kempf: Agriculture is Fundamentally About Regenerating Relationships on All Levels.

A letter from AEA Founder, John Kempf:

The prevailing paradigm today is that agriculture is inherently extractive. There is a widely held belief that the process of farming in itself degrades soils and landscapes. Most growers in developed countries, such as the United States, have only experienced contemporary farming systems, with their constant use of fertilizer and pesticide inputs and purchased seeds.

This, combined with the fact that many of our rural communities – and the people who live in them – are struggling, paints a bleak picture of farming and our farming communities.

But we know it doesn’t need to be this way.

Years ago, on my family’s farm, I learned that healthy plants can develop immunity to disease and insects when they are supported with balanced nutrition and a healthy microbiome. Not only are healthy plants resistant to pests, but the immune compounds they produce are transferred to the animals and people who eat them. The best part, though, is that vibrantly healthy plants quickly regenerate our soil.

I dream of a world where the process of growing food regenerates the land, revitalizes rural communities, facilitates a system where food improves our health, and leads to farming landscapes that are beautiful, vibrant, and clean.

I find this vision to be incredibly inspiring: that agriculture, the source of so many challenges in our world today, has the potential to be the solution to each of those challenges.

This is the reason I founded Advancing Eco Agriculture (AEA), a company whose team has successfully implemented regenerative agriculture systems at scale on intensive farm operations for more than 17 years.

We are trusted by our community of more than 10,000 growers across more than four million acres in the United States and globally. We work with growers of all methodologies and crop types to implement regenerative agriculture systems that require fewer inputs, increasing growers’ yields and profits. This happens through a combination of AEA’s biological and nutritional products, consulting, plant and soil testing, data-driven crop nutrition programs, and real-time analytics to measure performance.

We have the tools, but the why behind regeneration is the key.

Regeneration is much broader and deeper than regenerating soil health and cycling carbon. It is about revitalizing farm profitability, re-engaging rural communities, and transforming landscape ecology. Most importantly, regenerative agriculture should be about healing relationships and inviting people to take part in this regenerative journey.

With that intention, we have chosen to launch our first community fundraise on Wefunder.

We invite our community of farmers and regenerative agriculture supporters to invest in the future of regenerative agriculture. We call on this community to be part of our vision, to help us scale our impact. This includes furthering development of our new and existing products, services, and technologies, as well as continuing to build our team.

All of these impact initiatives will drive accessibility and scalability worldwide for our regenerative agriculture systems. AEA is active in North and South America and parts of Europe, with further expansion planned for 2024. We will open our new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility this month in Colorado to meet growing demand for our regenerative plant nutrition products and services.

Together, we have the opportunity to change the face of agriculture, revitalize rural communities and our food systems, and transform our planet into the world we know is possible.

This is going to be fun.

For more information on AEA’s community fundraising and to participate, please visit: